Tuesday, May 5, 2009

C'est moi

For the lack of a better beginning, I shall have to do with an introduction of self.

I'm in between studies or jobs or wherever-life-takes-me. A consultant, at least that's what my card says, rather that is how my card defines me. A young engineer with decent academic record, someone who is supposed to have gained expertise in the field of environmental application with a 4yr long course.
Its so inhumane that what defines me are the externalities to the real me things that are peripheral to the real I. Degrees, profession, qualifications are nothing but just that - qualifications for the real me to be recognized or rather slotted among the societal frames/ perceptions of a person.

What or who I'm is largely defined by not what I do but why I choose to do . "Why" is easily the more important part of the equation than "what", for what is only fact but why introduces logic, it brings out the facets or characteristics of the reacting elements and the reason for the pattern of their amalgamation.

I shall not be known by what I do but by my choices and reasons. By the ever eternal map of the effects and the factors, both internal and external, that led me to my choices.

So I'm but a force backed by the reason of "recognition", of "confession" or rather by no specific apparant reason, for now that is. For I know that the true reason behind every action gets revealed in form or the other, at least to the carriers of that action one day.

So with this conviction and for this reason alone, I shall write.

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